Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Femme Packing

Last night I started packing for my trip. Mostly just getting all my products squared away for the flight. I bought nifty little travel bottles over the weekend for conditioner and lotion, so I transferred some fluids into those. I packed up everything I need for my morning "toilet" and getting my girlie on so I can be presentable for the meeting.

Everything I need to be beautiful.

SweetPea bought me this awesome little cherries bag at the flea market for the trip. I wanted something that I could use as a carry on. I know we'll need to check the bags of "business stuff", but I'm hoping to avoid checking any personal luggage.

Think I can fit everything in there? Of course I can!

Tonight will be for doing laundry and packing clothing, and spending some time with SweetPea and the kids before my trip.

I'm trying to cover up my nervousness with excitement. It's been mostly working so far, but I'm guessing I'll have at least a mild freak-out some time tomorrow. And I plan on letting my boss know that, if she intends to bring me back from SoCal Friday evening, I'm damn sure not driving in LA.

The. End.

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