Sunday, June 08, 2008

Help, Please!

I'm working on this 101 things in 1001 days. I totally stole the idea from Zandria. Here's where she got the idea from. It's kind of like a personal strategic plan, only harder.

Like... Our strategic plan at work? We've got, maybe, 25 "objectives" and we get five whole years to make it happen.

I have to come up with 101 that I have to accomplish in 2.74 years!

Clearly, though, I need help coming up with things. I'm not even to 50 yet! Most of you have been reading this blog for some time, and maybe have an idea of things I could add to the list. Wanna help?

Sure you do!

Please post some suggestions in the comments field.

I'm hoping to post the final list in the next couple of days. So I will need some serious help.



Anonymous said...

Holy crap. My first thing would have to be "make the list". My current list is so long it would be five years before I could start the new list. Yesterday my Mom was over and she says "I know you have a lot on your plate but that piano needs tuning". I'll get right on that.

Is it wrong to tell you 80yo Mother to shut the hell up?

dolphyngyrl said...

I hope it's not, or I'm screwed in twentysome years!

I've put a bunch of my current list on there. Partly for the accountability, partly to have it down on "paper" and all listed out. Instead of in my head.

What I also did was put the hard/scary things that I know are integral to getting us where we need to be. Instead of just "I want to X"... Well, how the hell are you going to get there?