Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Quickie - Body Fit Challenge Update & Etc.

I just wanted to sneak a quick minute to update y'all.

Since The Project That Ate My Life and the Body Fit Challenge and trying to fit all the rest of my life and responsibilities in around those two things doesn't leave a lot of extra time.

Which kind of sucks.

I am enjoying the Body Fit Challenge sessions. I believe I've mentioned how completely out of my frame of reference this type of thing is, so it's certainly been interesting. It's hard, but there are modifications for the (rare) things I just really can't do. Which, I've noticed, works out more closely to "I'm going to puke if I keep this up, what can I do longer that will get me a similar result?" And I'm kind of ok with having to ask for those modifications. I'd rather do more than have to quit earlier. I know I'll get to the point where I can do the harder moves, so I'm not really concerned about that right this very second. And the one that comes to mind the most is the Mountain Climber move, which I did one round and then switched for step ups because *puke*. There was just no doing the Mountain Climber a second time. Really.

We did our very first progress weigh in yesterday & I was up 2 pounds to 272 and up 0.06% body fat. I was fully prepared to be up because my initial weigh in was directly after my last 5k and it's reasonable to expect that I was down some weight due to dehydration. Our trainer made a point of that, and went on to state that the next couple of weigh ins will provide a more accurate indication of our progress.

In the meantime, I'm going to try to do my level best to eat well and get in my other workouts.

I've been missing yoga because of timing and because I've had a problem having enough fuel in the tank to take on a yoga class, too. I'm hoping to get some classes in this weekend. I've also been slacking in the running department, for multiple reasons. Yes, I suck. That's the main reason. That makes me nervous because my next 5k is approaching quickly and, frankly, I'm scared. I'm hoping to get back on track with that, and I hope I can get enough work in to at least not suck worse than last time.

That's a goal, right?

I'm also hoping to check in with another post by this weekend, but I make no promises!

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