Tuesday, June 01, 2010

In Pictures

Memorial day weekend started off with something mandatory:

Because sometimes it's all about the cheap ass beer. Ordinarily, I'm totally a beer snob, but I really do enjoy Pabst in a bottle.

Which was really not that cheap, by the way.

I took the Monkeys out for breakfast one morning before a day of errand running.

Foodies may want to look away.

MonkeyDo's breakfast of choice:

You can totally see the lines on that cheese. This is an omelet?


The weekend ended with lunch out with grandpa. I've been trying to avoid drinking sodas, so I just had water. It was very much not as yummy as a good diet Coke.

SweetPea and I are doing a June Challenge. You can follow it over on the fitness blog. Or not.

Also, I know I owe y'all a real blog post. It feels like I've been running to keep up with everything and I just haven't had the time to sit down and write. Should I promise, yet again, that I will be back "soon"?


I'll just try to do that.

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