Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Germs are Bossy

SweetPea will tell you that this is totally karma kicking me in the ass for my less than stellar bedside manner when she was sick last week.

In my defense, she was sick for, like, ten days and she's really a crankasourus when she's sick.

It appears that I've caught not only what she had, but the stomach flu my coworker graciously brought to work with her last week.

I am so not excited right now. Also: stomach flu is the suck when you don't puke. Trust me on this one.

So I apologize that posting may be a little sporadic while I work on regaining normal brain function. I will have you know, though, that I'm a perfect patient while sick, and haven't complained or whined once.


Woops. Must have switched to Fox News there for a minute.

If you're looking for something to do, go check these fabulous bloggers out. They're running an 8 against 8 campaign. 8 bloggers, 8 days, trying to raise $8,000 to fight Proposition 8. Give them a read, give them publicity, give them money. It all helps.

And, in case you're wondering, we at The Verbosery are putting our money (so to speak) where our mouth is and volunteering this weekend at the local field office. We'll be there Saturday and possibly Sunday. We'll probably be there next weekend, too. And we may be doing some "signing" outside of polling places on election day.

We're also considering handing out "no on 8" stickers with Halloween candy this year.

Hey! If that crazy lady can hand out her Jehovah's Witness pamphlets, I can hand out stickers!


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