Thursday, May 08, 2008

For Freedom or Jelly Donuts?

My allergies are kicking my ass. My eyes are itchy and red and watery and goopy and generally gross and irritating. I'm also tired as all get-out, even though I've slept a fair amount in the last couple of days. I guess my immune system is getting its ass kicked and it's trying to compensate.

My jeans are getting looser and I'm actually getting to the point where I can't even make it through all of my lunch, and sometimes even my dinner. I'm out of salad mix, so today's lunch was a veggie "chicken" patty on a multi-grain bun with bbq sauce and a slice of cheese, and sun chips on the side. I got through the sandwich and about a third of the sun chips. Dinner was Mr. Pickle and I only got through half the sandwich. Oops! Fruit has lost its charm because I'm so tired that I'm too lazy to cut it up to put on top of things. With my allergies the way they are, though, that's probably for the best.

Our dove is happily warming her little egg. Fortunately, she doesn't seem terribly disturbed by our inning and outing. Unless someone puts their hand up there to try to take a picture or something (oops?). I want to put out food for her so she doesn't have to go very far to eat, but I know that'll just bring the other neighborhood birds into her "turf", and then she'll have to start defending her little nest. So I'm fighting the urge to fill the bird feeders.

I was going to post a big marriage rant after being inspired by this post. That doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon, so go read that post there. It's a good read. Anybody out there who believes that "the people" should get to decide whether or not gays can marry should maybe take two giant steps back. There are some situations that people feel too strongly about to make rational, compassionate decisions. Sometimes it's up to the government and the courts to say "this is what's right". Not that I entirely trust the government to have my back, but I guess I trust the government more than I trust some people.

SweetPea wonders how people who move to America to escape persecution can then turn around and inflict it upon another group.

I don't know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't read the part about Cooper's hawks.