Saturday, April 26, 2008

Death March for a Volvo

My horoscope for today:

You have been carrying a heavy load, but now others could jump in to help you bear the burden. Unfortunately, you may have grown tired along the way. If so, ask for help because playing the role of a martyr won't pay off. There's plenty of assistance available to you, if only you let others know what you need.

My plan for today was to get up early, go for walkies, shower, hit the farmer's market, then the school for Kite Day, then grandma's, and, finally, home to fall down and die nap.

Going for walkies fell by the wayside pretty promptly after I dragged ass out of bed. But I did start up a load of laundry and make some breakfast (toast and yogurt). I am hoping to still hit the farmer's market, though. And, of course, it's not like I can just not go to Kite Day. Even if I'd prefer to. So it'll still be a long day. I'll just regret not going on walkies later.

The Volvo is being a punk ass little bitch again. A couple of months ago, she had this issue where she wasn't shifting right. Something about the engine thinking it's in a lower gear than it's actually in, so you don't get any acceleration at all. I think our mechanic said something about the flux capacitor.

Last night it started doing it again. Fortunately for us, if it's the exact same issue, we should be able to get it fixed for free. Our mechanic actually warranties all work for one year. Of course, we have shit luck with this sort of thing, so it'll probably end up costing a couple hundred dollars, anyway.

I think it's safe to say, though, that we're both really over dealing with car issues. We've been at the mechanic's once a month ever month this year. I understand that you sometimes have to deal with that when you have older cars, but it's getting ridiculous.

The other night SweetPea was eyeballing one of these. Which would be pretty cool, but, then, where would she store all her empty water bottles?


Anonymous said...

In the cute little luggage thingy. Duh.

Anonymous said...

Wine Dog...

Yeah... Ummm... NO...

I would carry a decanter... And refill it...


I was browsing around in there... They're cutting most things in half... And they offer shipping out of Oklahoma for free... Unless I read that wrong... Then again... My ADD was in heavan with all of the FUN things to look at... And drool over...


Like that will happen any time soon... I suppose I'll have to continue to not be so green from the inside of my Chevy...

I'll just be envious from Babe's cab... See me turning green already...


Anonymous said...

Have I mentioned how much I detest those stupid "word verifications"...


dolphyngyrl said...

But, SweetPea, you already have one decanter that you don't use...