Saturday, December 01, 2007

Saturday Morning Roundup

Apparently, we all wake up pretty damn crabby on weekend mornings. I'm not sure what that's about, because weekday mornings are not this bad at all! Maybe it's all the tired from the week, haven't quite slept in enough, not waking up to our normal routine thing that turns us all into crabmonsters.

Personally, I've spent some time this morning browsing etsy. Looking for that perfect, fabulous Christmas gift. You know how it is. I can't wait to have everything bought and wrapped and ready to go. Can it be now? That would be nice.

We've been listening to a lot of country lately, and I have to say that this song pisses me off but good. Maybe you can imagine why? I'm sorry that he keeps leaving you to go home to his wife, but maybe you should quit fucking someone else's man. Get your damn own!

What songs do I love? "Our Song" and "International Harvester". We also love the Buckaroo song.

It's time to go kick some butts and get our day in gear.

1 comment:

Gruppie Girl said...

I would love to hear about what you found on etsy.

I haven't been on etsy for months...It is too dangerous!