Thursday, January 03, 2013

Resolutions 2013

Like most of you*, I don't go in much for resolutions. Goals, challenges, revolutions, sure. Resolutions, to me, have always seemed vague and unrealistic, especially over the long haul of a year. It supposedly takes 21 days to make a habit, so why do you need 365?

Here are my goals & challenges for 2013:

1. Write. Every day. This may or may not result in more blog posts. But the point is real writing. Whether well-written blog posts (you know, instead of this crap), correspondence, or story-telling book-building writing. Thirty minutes or a couple of hours... The point being less about the technicality of writing and more about making a habit of carving out time for writing in my life, and taking care with my writing so that it's quality and not just quantity.

I thought it was just me!

2. I plan to compete at the APA Powerlifting Meet in November at Body Tribe.

Yes, really.

Tattoo Dead

3. Since I'm finally running regularly again, I would like to continue that streak by building a strong base and easing into double digit mileage. Then I hope to maintain a double digit long run and work on speed, intervals, and hills. Ultimately, I'd like to run three half-marathons this year (and I wouldn't mind a couple of smaller races).

I would love to make a run at a marathon this year, and it's within the realm of reason, but I'm still pretty slow and full marathons without time limits are pretty few and far between. I think I'm going to hold off dreaming about this until closer to summer, when I can assess where I am. It certainly wouldn't be the end of the world if I worked towards a marathon in early 2014.

4. Spend more time on yoga teacher studies, practice teaching, and co-teaching.

By "more", of course, I mean "any". I know that I need more study, more learning, and there's just no way it's in the budget for this year. That leaves self study and practice practice practice.

I have a plan for outdoor yoga once it warms back up and I will have to block out a time frame that I can practice co-teaching in a real live class. Maybe by summer I can have a regular class of my very own.

5. Get my work out into the world.

The plan for this looks like:

a. Making & selling body scrubs, lotions, and potions.

b. Photography projects - in terms of conceptualization and creation, but also in terms of actually getting the art out there into the hands of people who love it.

c. Jewelry making - currently bracelets, but probably also earings.

d. Publishing my writing. Like for really real.

6. A promotion.

I think that's a pretty good list for one year. I also plan to spend as much time as possible with friends, loved ones, people who make me laugh and feed my soul. Get as many hugs as possible. Go river rafting. Soak up the sun.

Hey, can you tell that I am super over being cold right now? Only, what, seven more months to go before it's warm again? Something like that?

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

*Because I cannot tell you how many times I've seen someone post that they "don't do resolutions". Ok. We get it.


Susan said...

ha! I didn't do resolutions....I did "focusing points" if only because I want to focus on them.....but not obsess. fine line I know.
I do like your list. I was thinking earlier today how I would like to do a half marathon. I keep getting stalled by that whole time limit thing.

dolphyngyrl said...

Oh come on! A half marathon just isn't fun unless you're rolling in after everyone else has left! You know.... Like when I did Four Bridges!