Thursday, February 02, 2012

Groundhog Day and Weekend Plans

Happy Groudhog Day! The fuck is Groudhog Day? I'm glad you asked!

If you're in the Sacramento area and looking for something to do this weekend, you should know that this Saturday is Museum Day! That's right, museums all around town will be open to the general public for free. It's kind of awesome.

If you're unsure about which museum to visit, the Discovery Museum Science and Space Center will not only be open for free, they will also be hosting some of the local food trucks in their parking lot. Great food + science = awesome.

You know it does.

You can also check out the latest installment of the Sac Veg Fest on Saturday in the Artisan Building. I hear there's been some flack about Sac Veg Fest including a vendor that also serves meat. While I agree that the point should be to encourage and promote vegetarian and vegan businesses in the Sacramento area, I'd just be happy if they have vendors that serve food instead of just have a booth. Is that really so much to ask?

And now that I've encouraged you to go eat a bunch of stuff, maybe you don't want to read this story about hamburger:

“It's typically cheap meat given to dogs, but after it's processed it can be given to humans.”

Mmm.... Who's hungry?

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