1) If you could magically change one thing about your body, what would it be? I'd get my brain out of my way so that I could move forward. Not just working out & losing weight, but in other areas, as well.
2) What is your best physical feature? I get compliments on my eyes a lot, but MY favorite feature is my feet. SweetPea calls them chubby Hobbit feet, but I don't care. I love them!
3) Do you weigh yourself daily? Hourly? Weekly? Bi-weekly? Never? Once a week on Tuesday morning before yoga. I don't have a scale at home, which is, really, for the best. Tuesday morning scale checks keep me on track & provide another reason for showing up to Tuesday morning yoga. I haven't posted my number in a couple of weeks, but I've still been doing the scale check.
4) Do you workout regularly? If so, how does if affect you from day to day? I've been slacking too much lately, but I'm starting to get back on track. I do a lot of yoga and I love the way my body feels because of it. I love the achyness afterwards and the way I feel stronger, stretchier. I love the way it affects so much more than you realize it's going to.
5) What is the healthiest thing you do for yourself on a regular basis? Consistently? Yoga.
6) If you could look like a celebrity, who would you choose to look like? Drew Barrymore. I don't think that'd be a huge stretch.
7) What do you do to make yourself feel pretty/handsome? Pedicures! I love my feet and I think they look extra super awesome when freshly tended to. Of course I have the best nail technician ever, so that helps.
8) What are you most attracted to in the
9) Have you ever avoided situations because you didn't want people to see your body shape? I try not to, and attending yoga classes has helped me get over this in a major way. I'm usually the fattest person in the class but I'm not usually the one struggling the most. I have noticed that I'm having a hard time talking myself into getting in the pool - no matter how much I love swimming - because of the time I'll have to spend OUT of the pool in just my bathing suit. Eek!
10) How do you feel about your overall appearance? Most of the time, not so bad. Then again, I have a dysfunction in being able to visualize my actual body size. It's a blessing. And a curse. :)
My goals for this week are:
1. Drink more water
2. Do all of the workouts on my schedule
Oh I have been meaning to try yoga. How long have you been attending?
I never get pedicures bc I am cheap but I love doing them myself and painting my nail supr bright fun colors.
Found you through Friend Making Monday
LOVE pedicures. In fact I am due for one!
I use to trip about my bathing suit, but now I just try to hustle into the water, where I imagine no one can actually see me-LOL I'm a water baby, so big as a whale or not, I gotta get my swim on!
Happy FMM-and I *love* your blog name :)
I am SO a water baby, too, so I know JUST what you mean! And I NEED to get over this, because it'll be COLD fast and I want to get in the pool!
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