Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Executive Order S-09-08 - At Least They're Back from Vacation!

A Math Lesson

It's been suggested to me that, since we're only earning $6.55 an hour, we shouldn't be working as long. Because our paycheck will be minimized, as should our hours be, yes?

Let's have a look at this, shall we?

The problem with this argument is that it presumes we're going to earn a check for $1,100.40 ($6.55 an hour for 168 hours), regardless of the hours we work.

At my actual rate of approximately $18.85 an hour, it would only take me 58.4 hours to earn a paycheck of $1,100.40.

If, however, I'm earning $6.55 an hour for those 58.4 hours, then I will be earning $382.52 for the month.

Doesn't work out so well, does it?

If you look at it from another perspective, $6.55 an hour is approximately 35% of my actual rate.

So instead of reduce the number of hours one works, one might simply reduce the amount of effort one puts into one's hourly work.

For example, instead of giving 100% for eight hours every work day, what if I only gave 35% per hour for those eight hours?

That's what I'm worth, right?

I will own up to being totally unable to do that, though. I just don't work that way. I'm here to work, and I'm certainly going to do that. Sometimes I wish I could be like others who come in and put around instead of working hard, but it's just not in my nature.

Another suggestion I heard was that we state workers should hold a yard sale/flea market/craft faire on the grounds of the capitol building. We've got to make up the difference in our wages somehow, right?

I'm not sure if that, as a protest effort, would work. But I do think it would be amusing as hell to see.

Serving the People of the State of California

I learned this week that a state inspector, during the course of her duties as an inspector, was assaulted and beaten by the owner of the establishment that she was inspecting.

This is somebody who has been charged with directly protecting the health and welfare of the people of California. She is about as on the front lines as it gets in state work. She goes into establishments alone and inspects them to verify that they're compliant with the applicable laws and regulations. Violations of these laws and regulations can directly and adversely impact the health of the people of California.

For her efforts to safeguard our health, our governor believes she is worth $6.55 an hour.

Another Perspective

I don't care how little we're earning, it is just not ok to come to work dressed up like an old man heading to the golf course on a hot day.

Who even knew neon pastel green was a color?

My retinas may be irrevocably damaged.

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