I forget how much I enjoy this part of the year. Getting out and doing things. This is the time of year that I really wish I was in better shape and had more energy. We would be out doing things all the time.
Today we went out to Negro Bar with a group of lesbians. We had a really good time. OK, yeah, it kicked our asses because we're not used to that kind of thing. What with all the fixing and packing and loading and unloading and unpacking and packing and loading and unloading. OMG! I was so pooped I didn't even really get a chance to explore. I did manage to get some pictures. Are you suprised? Oh, no, you're not!

I'm disappointed in the way that the pictures from the shady areas turned out. I guess I forgot that about lighting. Maybe that's what happens when you walk away from your camera for the better part of nine months. Or maybe I'm just a dumbass.
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