I love this picture of my mom.MonkeySee goofing off with Grandpa.MonkeySee, MonkeyDo and SweetPea's best friend (who has been maybe a little under the weather for awhile)Oops! Time to be serious!Yes, MonkeyDo cried. More on that another day.The assembled masses, from left to right: my second father, my mother, my second mother, my father, me, MonkeyDo, SweetPea, MonkeySee, SweetPea's best friend, elphie, Neighbor, SweetPea's mother, SweetPea's sister's boyfriend and SweetPea's sister.Well, you know there was cake! (but much later, after an actual metric ton of running errands)
All in all, a good time. Thanks for the great shots, dad!
Maybe I'll just pretend that today didn't happen. Who's in?
And because this song reminds me of a tape that I used to play when MonkeySee was tiny and I rocked him to sleep. And then MonkeyDo. And because it's beautiful, and I think that, tonight, it just can't be heard enough.
Oh, you're in California! Well congratulations on your wedding. I am glad there is finally some sanity in this world (or atleast Connecticut and California). I wish you and your new wife many more happy years!
In a technical glich... I am know to the state of California as "Mr. SweetPea"...
That is because of the whole "Groom (party A)... And bride (party b)" sections... I'm "party a"... AKA "the groom"... AKA "MR." SweetPea (Offical birth name not given to protect the innocent... See terms... And conditions)...
Oh, you're in California! Well congratulations on your wedding. I am glad there is finally some sanity in this world (or atleast Connecticut and California). I wish you and your new wife many more happy years!
In a technical glich... I am know to the state of California as "Mr. SweetPea"...
That is because of the whole "Groom (party A)... And bride (party b)" sections... I'm "party a"... AKA "the groom"... AKA "MR." SweetPea (Offical birth name not given to protect the innocent... See terms... And conditions)...
And thank you Marie Louise... For the sentiment...
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