Sunday, March 30, 2008

Super Stalker - A Review

I stumbled across a website yesterday that claimed to find out all the information available for everyone in your email contacts. As a bonafide Stalkerista, I just had to try this out.

The website is You log in with your email, and it pulls your contacts and searches the web for information.

At first, I was pretty impressed by the number of hits it was getting. But then I started looking at the information that was available for my contacts.

For example:

It found the WineDog's wishlist, but not her website (hello?). It found codejnki's picasa files, but none of his websites (hello?). It also didn't find any of the videos he's uploaded to youtube.

It did find the myspace profiles for some people I didn't know had them, and I totally wasn't aware of this hi5 thing (person found - one of Monkey See's teachers).

Frankly, it didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know that I would have wanted to know.

Overall Super Stalker Rating: 4 out of 10.

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