Monday, March 31, 2008

The Clothes Whore

I have no idea when Monkey Do became a clothes whore. We went to Dee Dee's Discounts tonight to have a shop around. While I was looking through the fat girl clothes, she asked if she could go look in girl's. By the time I got over there to see how she was doing, she was carrying a pile of clothes so big I'm not entirely sure how she was still walking.

Here is a small sampling of Monkey Do's seriously eclectic taste in clothes:

She ended up with just the Dickie's shirt. There were plenty of super cute choices, and I loathed putting some of them back. But we're not made of money, and that girl's got so many shirts already!

Monkey Do swears she's a tomboy, but sometimes I think that's just code for "likes to crawl around on the ground playing horses with her buddies".

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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